Idées inspirantes pour l’écusson Innovation au menu

Inspirez-vous des idées soumises par les écoles qui ont mérité l’écusson Innovation au menu!

Toutes les idées inspirantes proviennent des participants de BouchéesBrillantes des années passées, telles que soumises par les écoles.

Where are the veggies? – Louis Honore Frechette, May 2017 

Earlier in the school year, the Healthy Schools Committee (principal, parent representatives, teacher representatives, YRDSB nurse and dietitian) discussed the menu of catered foods offered to students. We discussed changes to the menu and introduced some healthier options. We have determined that though the stir fry sounded like a good option, it was in fact not a tasty food and wasn’t popular. We discussed this with the caterer and are looking to change that to make it a healthier and tastier version. We have also decided to get rid of the French Fries and include vegetables and coleslaw as a side. We are committed to consistently reviewing the menu and getting feedback from parents and students in order to provide a more nutritious and tasty selection of food.