Menu Makeover Badge Inspiration

Get inspired with these ideas from schools that earned the Menu Makeover badge!


Cub Café

Our Cubs always look forward to grilled cheese day.  Our Cub Café served delicious grilled cheese made with whole wheat bread and cheddar cheese slices.  They were grilled to perfection with the help of our parent volunteers.  To create an even healthier lunch, each grilled cheese was served with a side of carrots.


Students Take the Lead on Menu Planning

In previous years here at Jersey Public School, the staff were responsible for deciding what was for breakfast and snack each day.  The first thing our students suggested was making a menu for two weeks to ensure that we could plan, shop and serve a variety of healthy foods which met the requirements of serving a minimum of three different food groups each day.  The students made the menus with staff supervision.  For example, one day they decided we will serve egg wraps with cheese, carrots, celery, cauliflower and apple sauce.  The next thing we did was begin ordering from a delivery service which was school-approved, to ensure we were only purchasing healthy items.  Now our menu has a variety of nutritious foods and the students continue to have a say in what gets made and served for breakfast and snack each day.


Carrot Chips

Carrot chips anyone?  Fresh carrot chips have been added to the weekly pizza menu.  Murray Muskies totally chomped down on this most nutritious snack.  They were in demand the following day.  A keeper for sure!