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Save the Planet


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Home / Badge / Save the Planet

Getting Started

Pre-Amble/Getting Started

If you haven’t done so already, it is ideal to gather a group of interested people (representing various parts of the school community; students, staff, parents, and community members) to work together on earning this badge. In addition, make sure to engage the entire school community throughout your work, and provide opportunities for input. This will help increase buy-in from your school community.

Badge Benefits

What we eat has an impact on our environment. Our global food system accounts for 25-30% of total greenhouse gas emissions (add ref). This includes growing and producing food, as well as processing, packaging and transporting foods all over the world. Since everyone eats, we are all part of this food system. That means we can also make choices that help our planet, like eating more plant-based proteins, promoting reusable containers/utensils/dishes, and reducing food waste.

Steps To Earn This Badge

Step 1 icon.

Step 1 - Explore Your School Community

Do you have an environmental club at your school? Do educators and students know about the important link between food and our environment? When food is offered or sold at school, are plant-based proteins like beans, legumes, tofu and seeds available (e.g., events, Student Nutrition Program). Do you use environmentally friendly packaging whenever possible? Does your school have a composting program? Does your school have a water bottle refill station?
Step 2 icon.

Step 2 - Make a Plan and Have Fun Completing It

Use the information under Learn More, Helpful Tools and Activities and Badge Inspiration to create a plan that works for your school community. Involve all key partners and have completing your plan.
Step 3 icon.

Step 3 - Evaluate and Celebrate

Were your efforts successful? What worked well? Did you experience any challenges? How did you deal with them? Would you do things differently next time? Did you receive any feedback from students or parents? Celebrate! You should be proud of your efforts to boost nutrition at your school!
Step 4 icon.

Step 4 - Keep It Alive

How can you continue to make environmentally-friendly impacts within your school community? If you haven’t already, you may want to consider creating an ongoing healthy school committee. You may also want to consider developing school guidelines or policies for lasting change

Badge Inspiration

  • Innovative and inspirational ideas submitted from schools across the province!
  • Share information about the important link between food and our environment with members of your school community.
  • Host interactive sessions with families on reducing and preventing food waste at home
  • Hold taste-tests of plant-based foods and recipes, then incorporate them into your Student Nutrition Program
  • Start a school composting program or get involved with one in your community
  • Fundraise for and install a water bottle refill station
  • Learn about what food and packaging materials can be composted or recycled in your community and share with students and your school