HPE Curriculum Health Eating Strand

D2.1 Apply their knowledge of medical, emotional, practical, and societal factors that influence eating habits and food choices

D2.2 Apply their recognition of internal hunger and thirst cues and their knowledge of physical factors that influence the desire to eat and drink to develop personal guidelines for healthier eating

D3.1 Explain how healthy eating and active living work together to improve a person’s overall physical and mental health and well-being and how the benefits of both can be promoted to others

Key Concepts for Student Learning

  • There are many influences on eating behaviours and food choices. Some of the factors that influence eating habits and food choices include social determinants of health, allergies, cost, preferences, taste, emotional state, media influences, access to and availability of food, family and cultural traditions, peers, environmental impact etc.
  • Individuals make their own food choices based on their specific needs and situation.
  • Our hunger, fullness and thirst cues tell us when we need to eat or drink. It is normal for appetite to vary during a day or a week depending on what you/your body are doing (growing, resting, after physical activity, if you are sick, before a meal, celebrating etc.). Removing distractions (like screens) can help us pay more attention to eating and enjoying food.  
  • Eating a variety of foods and getting physical activity can support our physical and mental health. There are also many factors outside of individual control that influence our health, such as income, environment, and genetics.
NOTE: Educators should be aware that food guide messages may not be appropriate for all students including those who are neurodivergent and/or have health, sensory or other exceptional needs that impact their relationship with food and eating. SMHO Resource on Mental Health Promotion at Schools: Classroom Considerations – Supporting Mental Wellness Amongst Students with Special Education Needs offers tips that can be applied to support learning about food and eating at school.

Classroom Activities and Lesson Ideas

Grade 6 Classroom Activities and Lesson Ideas