
The 4-Step Process for Creating a Supportive School Food Climate

Work with the school community to create a supportive school food climate that enables students to develop a positive relationship with food and their bodies. Follow the 4-step process to get started. Which School Food Climate topic will you start with?

Step 1:  Assemble a team

Identify a school champion and gather a group of people (representing various members of the school community like students, staff, parents and caregivers, and community partners), interested in fostering a supportive school food climate. Promoting student engagement and leadership opportunities throughout the process can be beneficial.

Step 2:  Identify school priorities and assets 

There are many areas related to food and bodies that impact the school food climate. Understand the priorities and assets of the school to help determine which topic to focus on. Explore the many topics and choose the ones that best meet your school’s priorities. 

Step 3: Make a plan and take action

Engage your team in developing a comprehensive plan that meets the school needs. The topics and actions can be as little or big as the team can manage. Each action plan item transforms your school food climate, one bite at a time!

Step 4: Celebrate, reflect, and keep it alive

Celebrate the team’s efforts and impact on the school food climate. Reflect on the work that has been done and what has been achieved. Identify what will be continued to create lasting change. Consider new topics to explore.

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