Grade 3

Classroom Inspiration

Discuss where the various foods we eat come from (e.g., where they are grown, how they are made, how they are transported to communities for purchase).

  • In addition, explore what local foods grow in your region, and in what seasons.
  • Consider taking a field trip to a local farm, farmers’ market and/or grocery store.
  • Consider preparing a meal or snack together, using locally sourced foods.


Activity Idea:  Have students fill a plate that is divided according to Canada’s Food Guide with drawings of foods to create a meal.  In addition, have students write down where the foods they chose come from.  Ask students to calculate the distance each food travelled to reach their plate.


Activity Idea:  Have students look at flyers from different grocery stores to find pictures of different vegetables and fruit.  Cut out the pictures and research where the different vegetables and fruit come from.  Stick the pictures on a world map to show where vegetables and fruit come from.


Explore the eating habits of different cultures. 

Consider preparing and tasting foods from different cultures.


Discuss how our eating behaviours can impact the environment.

  • When food is thrown out as garbage because it has gone bad, it ends up in landfills where it can produce a greenhouse gas that is harmful to the environment.  How can we prevent food waste?
    • Store food properly (e.g., keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold).
    • Try not to take more food than you can eat.
    • Compost vegetable and fruit scraps.
  • Bags, containers and packaging that are not environmentally-friendly also end up in landfills.  How can we use less food packaging?
    • Use reusable containers and water bottles.
    • Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.
  • Plant-based foods use fewer resources such as land and water.  How can we add more plant-based foods to our eating patterns?
    • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit.
    • Choose plant-based protein foods more often (e.g., peas, beans, lentils, tofu, nuts and seeds).
    • Eat whole grain foods.


Start a Conversation:  What are some things we can do that can help keep our teeth healthy?

  • Choose water more often.  
  • When drinking plain unsweetened milk or fortified soy beverage, drink it with meals.  
  • Limit sugary drinks.
  • Limit sugary foods.  
  • When choosing to eat sticky foods, have them as part of a meal (e.g., dried fruit).
  • Brush your teeth after a meal or snack.
  • If you can’t brush after a meal or snack, rinse your mouth with water.