Fresh It Up Badge Inspiration

Get inspired with these ideas submitted from schools that earned the Fresh It Up badge!


Breakfast Club Makeover

Our Breakfast Program is located in the basement near the kitchen. We have several pop up tables that face the wall to easily and efficiently feed as many students as possible. However, some grade 7 Breakfast Club helpers noticed that the walls were very bare and it wasn’t the most inviting place to sit down so they suggested creating posters to decorate the walls. Ms. Capewell made an announcement that the Grade 7’s read every day inviting each Class to create a poster to decorate the walls of Breakfast Club while also promoting/encouraging and celebrating healthy eating habits. We are still getting poster submissions, however, the posters we have hung have made a huge difference in the space. The students feel like it is “their space” and students who made posters, but have never come to Breakfast Club before have started to come because they feel like they are a part of it. The space is transformed and we cannot wait to continue to decorate it.


Gather Around the Table 

Each morning our school offers a Breakfast Program for our students. This year the Breakfast/Nutrition Room has also been transformed into our Culture Room. Many changes were made to make this room a place where all children feel welcome. The students gave their input on the changes they wanted to see. Tables were placed in a large circle instead of rows, student art work was put on display, and bright attractive bulletin boards were made. The room has become a warm, welcoming space for children to enjoy healthy food choices!!